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Skidmore College
Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

In order to respond effectively to emergency situations, Skidmore College maintains a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) that is based on the framework of the four phases of emergency management: prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.

This plan is intended to be comprehensive, sustainable and flexible, taking into account the unique mission and characteristics of Skidmore.

All members of the community should familiarize themselves with the safety and emergency planning information and resources listed on this site. In the event of an emergency, they can serve as a quick reference for effective action.

Being prepared is the responsibility of every person in the community. It's up to you to play your integral role.

New safety information

Campus Safety - How to use the CIS Fire Doors   Watch Video


The information contained in this plan has been prepared for use by Skidmore College. The information is guidance for issuance of an emergency alert, recognizing that individual circumstance or events not anticipated may occur. The experience and judgment of those using this plan is an important consideration in how and when the plan is used and when an alert is issued. The content represents the best opinions on the subject. No warranty, guarantee or representation is made by the college of the sufficiency of the information contained herein and does not assume responsibility in connection therewith. The plan is intended to provide guidelines for safe practices; therefore, it cannot be assumed that all plausible and non-plausible scenarios are contained within, or that other or additional information or measures may not be required.